Boomer issues and concerns, information sources


Boomers Life

Welcome to one of the most popular Baby Boomer sites on the web. 

Everyone born between 1946 and 1964 is a Boomer just like us. And even though we may have challenges facing us, we also have an open future ahead. His ongoing campaign is to help us enjoy all the good things we have.

Welcome to our world.

Our Music

1960s rock songs/videos

1970s rock songs/videos

1980s rock songs/videos

Early rock in the 1950s

Boomers music

Our Interests

Dan Brown's next book

Boomers in pictures

Better health for Boomers

Health and fitness innovations

Baby Boom generation experiences

Issues for work and retirement

Number of Boomers in each U.S. state

Surprising increase in Social Security claims

Fountain of Youth

Do Boomers still care? Protests then and now

Our People

George Clooney


Deepak Chopra

Bruce Springsteen

Sanford Holst

Dan Brown

Barack Obama

Condoleezza Rice

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Many more prominent Boomers


About us

Books: self-help and health

Baby Boom links

Fleetwood Mac - Rumours album

Share a smile with a friend. Tell them about this site or mention it on your blog. Links are good too--and we will post yours.  A smile a day keeps the doctor away.

Contact Us

You are welcome to comment on a posting or share some info on your own experiences (today or back in the day).  

Sanford Holst


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an email

© 2008-202444 Boomers Life

Boomer Issues

Our Concerns Today 

and Good Sources

of Information

These articles explore issues which have generated interest or concern among Boomers in recents months because of serious matters affecting us. In each case, facts and options are included when available. Some possible resolutions are presented when they could be obtained from various experts in these areas willing to share this information. Sources are also noted for additional details, when available.

Do Boomers still care?

Protests then and now

Baby Boom Generation Experiences

Click here or above for experiences

Better Health for Boomers

Click here or above for health concerns


Issues for Work and Retirement

Click here or above for work issues

Number of Boomers in Each U.S. State

Click here or above for full information

Surprising Increase in Social Security Claims

Click here or above for social security

Boomer issues, concerns, sources of information

Also available on Boomers Life:

Our Music

Our Health

Our People


Main Page


Our purpose is to help rebuild the Boomer community, and our justifiable pride in it, as well as to enjoy a better life for ourselves and those important to us. May all the best be yours.

music, people and issues of interest to Boomers


Photographs and artwork are original on this site, or permission was obtained for images clearly copyrighted. Other images such as record albums are understood to be in the public domain for fair use. If for any reason an image has been shown for which you are the photographer/artist and were not consulted, please let us know so that proper permission can be obtained or the image deleted.     -